A4I visits Tufts University

Artists 4 Israel is promoting a new age of advocacy by visiting College campuses through North America. The project Engage*Educate*Spraypaint aims to reach the young, who are either pro-Israel, ant-Israel or don’t have an opinion at all. Here are some … Continue reading A4I visits Tufts University

THE TOWER: Can Street Art Change the World?

September 28, 2013 –  THE TOWER “It’s about getting across a certain ideology: that Israel, a champion of freedom of expression, is misrepresented in international politics. But it’s also about portraying Israel as a thriving, vibrant society in its own right—as more than just a controversy-riddled battlefield buried under decades of verbose politicking and campaign mantras. “I’m sick to death of hearing that Israel invented the cherry tomato and the mobile phone,” says Craig Dershowitz, executive director of Artists 4 Israel. “When I go to a college campus, they’re like, ‘Draw a pro-Israel message instead of just graffiti art.’ What do they … Continue reading THE TOWER: Can Street Art Change the World?